
We all believe that the world needs the Gospel. According to the Joshua Project, 73% of people groups in Asia are still unreached. In partnership with Seoul 2024, the Fourth Lausanne Congress, Mission Asia 24 will serve as a catalyst for evangelism and proclamation of the Gospel across the world’s most densely populated continent. Mission Asia will support Lausanne’s vision to “listen, gather, and act - together” in global missions so that many more people are given an opportunity to respond to the Gospel and movements of evangelism are given impetus. 

Our Vision
A strengthened Church across Asia with new disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission
Encourage, equip, and energize the church and evangelists to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ then disciple new believers through locally led, culturally integrated, and relationship-oriented mission initiatives in Asia.  If that is your heart, too, you are partners in this work. 

Using the structure of the Lausanne Movement, Mission Asia 24 will work in tandem leading up to Seoul 2024.  We envision many partnerships across Asia prioritizing local evangelistic outreach together.  Churches and ministries in the nearly 30 countries across Asia, and evangelists from around the world, will connect in a shared passion for proclaiming the Gospel in multiple contexts.